Bug with MacOS and OSTC3
Otto Strassen
2018-07-05 19:10:38 UTC

After updating to 4.8.0 I can no longer sync my OSTC3 with subsurface. I have re-paired the device but it still does not work.

Someone else seems to be having the same problem: https://subsurface-divelog.org/user-forum/?place=topic%2Fsubsurface-divelog%2FXJyZ2KWusHc%2Fdiscussion

Please CC, I am not subscribed to the list!

Thanks & best

Log output from Subsurface -v -v
Starting download from /dev/tty.OSTC304462-SPP
Starting the thread 0
INFO: dc_device_open error value of 0
EVENT_DEVINFO gave us the correct detected product (model 26 instead of 10)
Finishing download thread: "Dive data import error"
Set the current dive site: 2513478646
Set the current dive site: 2513478646

Log from libdivecomputer
Subsurface: v4.8.0, built with libdivecomputer v0.7.0-devel-Subsurface-NG (e97a47cca55973199715df0f818b4955e60d3a31)
INFO: Open: name=/dev/tty.OSTC304462-SPP
INFO: Configure: baudrate=115200, databits=8, parity=0, stopbits=0, flowcontrol=0
INFO: Timeout: value=3000
INFO: Sleep: value=300
INFO: Purge: direction=3
INFO: Write: size=1, data=BB
INFO: Read: size=1, data=BB
INFO: Read: size=1, data=4D
INFO: Write: size=1, data=60
INFO: Read: size=1, data=60
INFO: Read: size=5, data=001A000000
INFO: Read: size=1, data=4D
INFO: Write: size=1, data=69
INFO: Read: size=1, data=69
INFO: Read: size=64, data=6E110261544F53545220202020202020204F53544320202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020
INFO: Read: size=1, data=4D
Event: model=26 (0x0000001a), firmware=609 (0x00000261), serial=4462 (0x0000116e)
INFO: Write: size=1, data=6D
INFO: Read: size=1, data=6D
INFO: Read: size=607, data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
ERROR: Failed to receive the answer. [in ../../src/hw_ostc3.c:323 (hw_ostc3_transfer)]
ERROR: Failed to read the header. [in ../../src/hw_ostc3.c:702 (hw_ostc3_device_foreach)]
INFO: Write: size=1, data=FF
INFO: Read: size=1, data=24
ERROR: Unexpected echo. [in ../../src/hw_ostc3.c:305 (hw_ostc3_transfer)]
ERROR: Failed to send the command. [in ../../src/hw_ostc3.c:568 (hw_ostc3_device_close)]
Jef Driesen
2018-07-06 06:20:31 UTC
Post by Otto Strassen
After updating to 4.8.0 I can no longer sync my OSTC3 with subsurface.
I have re-paired the device but it still does not work.
Log from libdivecomputer
Subsurface: v4.8.0, built with libdivecomputer
v0.7.0-devel-Subsurface-NG (e97a47cca55973199715df0f818b4955e60d3a31)
INFO: Open: name=/dev/tty.OSTC304462-SPP
INFO: Write: size=1, data=6D
INFO: Read: size=1, data=6D
INFO: Read: size=607, data=...
ERROR: Failed to receive the answer. [in ../../src/hw_ostc3.c:323
ERROR: Failed to read the header. [in ../../src/hw_ostc3.c:702
INFO: Write: size=1, data=FF
INFO: Read: size=1, data=24
ERROR: Unexpected echo. [in ../../src/hw_ostc3.c:305
ERROR: Failed to send the command. [in ../../src/hw_ostc3.c:568
This looks like the Mac OS X timer bug again. The libdivecomputer SHA1
confirms that this is indeed a version without the timer fix.

@Dirk: It looks like v4.8.0 got build against an old libdivecomputer
version. According to tags in git, it should be build against
02560a7e7fe82919d584d3edbf3876f90382052c, which includes the fix. But
the logs in the bugreports indicate otherwise.

Dirk Hohndel
2018-07-06 11:11:31 UTC
Post by Otto Strassen
After updating to 4.8.0 I can no longer sync my OSTC3 with subsurface.
I have re-paired the device but it still does not work.
Log from libdivecomputer
Subsurface: v4.8.0, built with libdivecomputer
v0.7.0-devel-Subsurface-NG (e97a47cca55973199715df0f818b4955e60d3a31)
INFO: Open: name=/dev/tty.OSTC304462-SPP
INFO: Write: size=1, data=6D
INFO: Read: size=1, data=6D
INFO: Read: size=607, data=...
ERROR: Failed to receive the answer. [in ../../src/hw_ostc3.c:323
ERROR: Failed to read the header. [in ../../src/hw_ostc3.c:702
INFO: Write: size=1, data=FF
INFO: Read: size=1, data=24
ERROR: Unexpected echo. [in ../../src/hw_ostc3.c:305 (hw_ostc3_transfer)]
ERROR: Failed to send the command. [in ../../src/hw_ostc3.c:568
This looks like the Mac OS X timer bug again. The libdivecomputer SHA1 confirms that this is indeed a version without the timer fix.
@Dirk: It looks like v4.8.0 got build against an old libdivecomputer version. According to tags in git, it should be build against 02560a7e7fe82919d584d3edbf3876f90382052c, which includes the fix. But the logs in the bugreports indicate otherwise.
Drat. Let me fix that.

Dirk Hohndel
2018-07-06 11:24:10 UTC

Could you please re-download the Subsurface-4.8.0.dmg from our website? I replaced the DMG with a new one that does indeed include the correct libdivecomputer version that has the fix for this bug.

Sorry about the inconvenience (and replacing the binary was much quicker than going through the lengthy process of making a new release)

Post by Dirk Hohndel
Post by Otto Strassen
After updating to 4.8.0 I can no longer sync my OSTC3 with subsurface.
I have re-paired the device but it still does not work.
Log from libdivecomputer
Subsurface: v4.8.0, built with libdivecomputer
v0.7.0-devel-Subsurface-NG (e97a47cca55973199715df0f818b4955e60d3a31)
INFO: Open: name=/dev/tty.OSTC304462-SPP
INFO: Write: size=1, data=6D
INFO: Read: size=1, data=6D
INFO: Read: size=607, data=...
ERROR: Failed to receive the answer. [in ../../src/hw_ostc3.c:323
ERROR: Failed to read the header. [in ../../src/hw_ostc3.c:702
INFO: Write: size=1, data=FF
INFO: Read: size=1, data=24
ERROR: Unexpected echo. [in ../../src/hw_ostc3.c:305 (hw_ostc3_transfer)]
ERROR: Failed to send the command. [in ../../src/hw_ostc3.c:568
This looks like the Mac OS X timer bug again. The libdivecomputer SHA1 confirms that this is indeed a version without the timer fix.
@Dirk: It looks like v4.8.0 got build against an old libdivecomputer version. According to tags in git, it should be build against 02560a7e7fe82919d584d3edbf3876f90382052c, which includes the fix. But the logs in the bugreports indicate otherwise.
Drat. Let me fix that.
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