New Member submission
Felipe Moura Oliveira
2018-11-16 20:41:16 UTC
Hi everyone,

I am in the last year of graduation in control and automation engineering,
work as a developer of hardware and firmware in the oil and gas industry.
I met Canabrava João last weekend in conference about Qt, he talk to me
about Subsurface and I'm here to offer my help.

PS: I'm scuba diver too. =]
*Felipe Moura de Oliveira*
*Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais*
Dirk Hohndel
2018-11-16 23:23:41 UTC
Hi Felipe,

And welcome to Subsurface!

We don't have a real "program" to get new developers on board - so my suggestion would be to try and build Subsurface from source (that should be pretty straight forward), play with it, and see if there are things that break.
Obviously we have a ton of GitHub issues, but many of them are either hard to reproduce or require rather fundamental changes - and that may not be the best starting point.

But most people run into little things when they start building and using Subsurface, and that's a great way to get familiar with the sources (and yes, this is a somewhat complex project with often rather messy implementations - lots of room for improvement, for sure.

Post by Felipe Moura Oliveira
Hi everyone,
I am in the last year of graduation in control and automation engineering, work as a developer of hardware and firmware in the oil and gas industry.
I met Canabrava João last weekend in conference about Qt, he talk to me about Subsurface and I'm here to offer my help.
PS: I'm scuba diver too. =]
Felipe Moura de Oliveira
Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais
subsurface mailing list